G- Spot; PRP- Shot
G- Spot; PRP- Shot
What is the PRP-Shot procedure?
The PRP-Shot procedure begins with withdrawal of approx. 20 ml of blood from the arm. This is then put into a special centrifuge machine to produce highly concentrated form of platelets called as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This PRP is then injected into the numbed area near the clitoris and upper vagina to improve sexual functions. These platelets attract body’s own stem cells to the injected site and increase blood flow of the area generating a healthier and more functional tissue there.
How long does the procedure take?
PRP-Shot is a quick and easy to perform non-surgical procedure. It takes about 30- 45 minutes to prepare the PRP. Meanwhile the PRP is prepared, we apply a numbing cream for 30- 40 minutes before injecting the PRP. The PRP is loaded in insulin syringe and injected at respective sites in a matter of few minutes.
Does the PRP Shot injection hurt?
PRP-Shot injections are given using the insulin syringe, which is very small with a fine tip. We also numb the area with a local anesthetic cream. So, getting the PRP-Shot is usually painless but some women might have the feeling of a slight pinch or warm sensation.
Can the PRP-Shot procedure rejuvenate your sex life?
The PRP- Shot, is a non-surgical treatment which increases sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina. After the procedure, women have reported increased natural lubrication and greater arousal along with stronger and more frequent orgasms.
Are there any complications of PRP Shot procedure?
Mostly, women experience minimal or no side effects after receiving the PRP-shot. Rarely, you might experience mild redness or swelling for the first few days.
How many PRP-Shots are required for you?
You can begin with one PRP-shot and experience the positive changes in your sexual life and vaginal health. For best results we recommend three PRP-shot procedures at monthly intervals. Number of procedures and the time interval between can be adjusted according to the needs and response.
What results can you expect?
The results can vary from person to person depending on factors such as age, number of vaginal deliveries, medical conditions, hormonal problems etc. Women have reported a range of positive effects from the shots including:
- Increased sensation
- Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
- Stronger and more frequent orgasms
- Improvement in urinary leakage
- Relief in pain for those experiencing painful sex
- Increased natural lubrication and wetness
- Increased sexual gratification
- Improved relationships with partner
How long does it take to see the results from an PRP-Shot?
Increase in sexual desire can be seen immediately, but full results are usually enjoyed after 3 months of the first session. Some women begin to experience the difference in the first 3-7 days and as new tissue generates, heightened response is seen around the 3-month.
How long does the PRP Shot last?
Results can vary from woman to woman, but they generally last between 15 to 18 months. On an average, women usually repeat the procedure after every 18 months.