Diagnostic Hystero-Laparoscopy

Diagnostic Hystero-Laparoscopy

Diagnostic Hysterolaparoscopy

Diagnostic Hysterolaparoscopy is a method for evaluating gynecological conditions like infertility, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, cysts and many more.Hystero refers to the uterus, hysteroscope is a thin fibre optic cable with a camera at the end. Hysteroscopy is the diagnostic tool for evaluating the uterine cavity through vaginal route.

Similarly, laparoscopy involves evaluation of the abdominal cavity from inside, using a laparoscope. The laparoscope is inserted through a small cut in your belly. It shows magnified images from inside on an external screen and the doctor uses this information for diagnosis and treatment.Hysterolaparoscopy is used globally for diagnosis and management of:

  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adhesions
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Structural defects of uterus
  • Tubal patency

Diagnostic Laparoscopy is done in general anaesthesia, so the patient will not be conscious during the course of the surgery. Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy involves the following steps:

  • Proper positioning is done in the operation theatre and general anesthesia is given which will render the patient unconscious throughout the surgery.
  • An incision is made below the belly button for insertion of laparoscope followed by few other incisions as per the requirement.
  • Once the pelvis is fully inspected, all surgical instruments and the laparoscope are removed from the abdomen.
  • The cuts are stitched back and bandage is applied.

As with any other surgery, some risks are associated with diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy but are very rarely seen. Risks during the procedure include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Adhesions
  • Hematomas
  • Uterine perforation
  • Damage to adjacent organs

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    Dr. Mayuri Kothiwala

    Gynecologist, Obstetrician; Laparoscopic Surgeon & Infertility Specialist

    Dr Mayuri Kothiwala is an experienced Best Gynecologist in Jaipur taking care of all Obstetrical and Gynecological related health concerns at every stage of women. Having worked for 14+ Years, she is passionate to explore her expertise in rural and remote areas of Rajasthan to educate, diagnose & treat women for their obstetric & gynecology issues, laparoscopy procedures, oncology & urogyne concerns. Dr Mayuri uses the latest and most advanced techniques including sonography, ultrasound, laparoscopy and lasers for early diagnosis and timely management of her patients.

    Dr. Mayuri Kothiwala Clinic

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    • Morning :-
    • ( Mon to Sat ) 09.30 AM to 12 PM
    • Evening :-
    • ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat ) 05 PM to 07 PM

    Vaishali Nagar Timing

    • ( Every Thursday ) 05 PM to 7 PM
    • Sunday Closed

    Jagatpura Timing

    • ( Mon to Sat ) 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM
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